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Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of your personal information is very important. This privacy policy explains how and why your personal information will be used so you can be confident about giving it. Your personal data will never be sold and will only be shared with organisations we work with when it is necessary, and the privacy and security of your data is assured.

Who are ‘we’?

We are Exeter Historic Buildings Trust (EHBT), St Nicholas Priory, The Mint, Exeter, Devon EX4 3BL. Registered charity number: 1054232

In this policy whenever you see ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, it refers to EHBT.

What this privacy policy covers

We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance to our obligations under data protection legislation – the Data Protection Act 2018.

This privacy policy explains what information we will collect about you and how we will use it. We promise to respect your personal information and keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your information and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.

How do we collect your personal information?

We may collect data when you:

  • Visit our website
  • Fill in the contact form on our website
  • Purchase a service from us
  • Engage with us on social media

Information collected automatically through our website

Google Analytics

When you visit our website, we use Google Analytics to help us to understand how visitors are using our site; this allows us to improve your online experience. We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. Please click here more information about Google’s privacy policy.


We use cookies to ensure you get the best online experience with us. Cookies are all over the internet and are what we use to provide the best possible experience to our customers. Cookies are like your internet ID card and tell us information every time you come to our website. They are useful bits of technology and don’t compromise the privacy of your personal details either. Please use this website to find out about cookies, and how they help us and you:

What information do we collect about you and how do we use it?

We may collect your name, address, email address and telephone number.

We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To respond to you when you have contacted us
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us
  • To send you communications required by law or which are necessary to inform you about our changes to the services we provide you
  • To comply with our contractual or legal obligations to share data with law enforcement. For example, when a court order is submitted to share data with law enforcement agencies or a court of law

Email marketing communications: We will only contact you if you have given us permission to do so. By consenting to receiving emails from us, you are giving us permission to use your email address to send you email marketing communications. If you don’t want to receive email marketing communications from us anymore, you can opt out at any time by contacting us or using the ‘Unsubscribe’ link within our emails.

Third parties: We will never sell your personal information, and we will never share your data with third parties for marketing purposes unless you have given us your consent.

Retention: We will only hold your personal information for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained.

Keeping your information secure

We will always ensure that your personal information is secure and that we have the necessary controls in place, and conduct regular audits, in order to protect it.

Third parties: We sometimes use other companies to collect or process your personal information on our behalf. We ensure that any third parties are contractually bound to ensure the security of your information. If requested, we may need to provide the police, regulatory bodies or legal advisors with your information.

We will never share your information will any other third parties unless you have given us your permission to do so.

Your right to access our data

You have the right to ask us for a copy of the personal information we hold about you. You also have the right to request for any personal information we hold about you to be erased where there is no compelling reason for us to continue to process this data. If you wish to request this information please write to us at Data Protection, Exeter Historic Buildings Trust (EHBT), St Nicholas Priory, The Mint, Exeter, Devon EX4 3BL.

You will be asked to provide the following details: the personal information you wish to access, where it is likely to be held, and the date range of the information you wish to access. We will also be asked to provide two forms of identification. Once we have received this information and your identification, we will respond within one month. This timeframe may be extended by up to two months if your request is particularly complex.

Queries or concerns

If you have any queries or concerns about data protection at EHBT, please contact us. If you are not happy with the response you receive, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at

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